


Removable Partial Denture

A removable partial denture (RPD) is an appliance that replaces one or more missing teeth. It is not cemented in the mouth and can be taken out. A RPD is a great option when the patient is not a candidate for a fixed dental bridge or a dental implant.


Removable Partial Denture with Locator Attachments

A Removable Partial Denture (RPD) with Locator Attachments is an appliance that replaces one or more missing teeth. It is not cemented in the mouth and can be taken out. A traditional RPD is retained in the mouth by metal clasps that clip onto existing teeth. An RPD with locator attachments is retained by snapping the appliance onto implants that have been placed in the jawbone. This greatly improves the stability and retention of the RPD.


Complete Denture with Milled Bar Attachment 

A Complete Denture with a Milled Bar Attachment is an appliance that replaces all the teeth in one jaw. It is not cemented in the mouth and can be taken out. A Milled Bar Attachment is a metal bar that stays in the mouth and connects the Complete Denture to dental implants. The Milled Bar is usually attached to 4 dental implants that are placed in the jawbone. The Complete Denture has a metal substructure placed into it that connects it to the Milled Bar.


Complete Denture with Locator Attachments on Bar

A Complete Denture with Locator Attachments on a Bar is an appliance that replaces all of the teeth in one jaw. It is not cemented in the mouth and can be taken out. A milled bar or cast metal bar is connected to 4 dental implants that are placed in the jawbone. Locator attachments are placed in the Complete Denture and connect the denture to the bar.


Complete Denture with 2 or 4 Locator Attachments

A Complete Denture with 2 or 4 Locator Attachments is an appliance that replaces all of the teeth in one jaw. It is not cemented in the mouth and can be taken out. Locator Attachments are connected to dental implants that are placed in the jawbone. The Locator Attachments connect the Complete Denture to the implants. Generally, 2 implants and attachments are used for a lower jaw Complete Denture, and 4 implants and attachments are used for an upper jaw Complete Denture.