Misc. Teeth Concerns


Cracked Tooth

A cracked tooth is a complete or partial fracture of the tooth structure. A cracked tooth can result from chewing on hard foods, grinding your teeth at night, and can even occur naturally as you age. Depending on the severity of the cracked tooth, the tooth may be able to be saved.


Discolored Tooth

A discolored tooth is a tooth that appears darker than the teeth beside it. Teeth naturally darken as you age, but the overall color of your teeth should be about the same. If one or a few of your teeth appear to be discoloured, seek out the expert opinion of a dentist.


Loose Tooth

A loose tooth is one which moves or wiggles in the mouth. As a natural stage of dental development, children have loose baby teeth when their adult teeth are growing in. A loose tooth in an adult is not normal and indicates an existing problem such as gum disease unresolved teeth grinding.


Tooth Aches

Tooth aches typically show up as sensitivity to temperatures, sweets or chewing, but may also present as throbbing, aching or sharp stabbing pains. Some tooth aches are quite mild and can go on for years while others are debilitating and must be addressed immediately.


Tooth Decay

Tooth decay is caused by an infectious disease called dental caries. Caries is the formation of homes, or “cavities,” in your teeth by acid-producing bacteria. It is the world’s most common infectious disease of children today..


Tooth Wear

Tooth wear is the loss of healthy structure for reasons other than decay. Although no cavities are present, teeth become shorter and often thinner over time. Tooth wear may decrease proper chewing ability and may also noticeably change the appearance of your smile.